The ACCTRA project aims to make the city more sustainable, liveable and accessible for everyone through adjustments to the transport system. To do so, we will create a better understanding of how street experiments can be used to empower alternatives to car traffic such as walking, biking, public transports or scooters.
The project will be conducted with local administrations in Istanbul, Turkey, and Klagenfurt, Austria. As an outcome, we will create guidelines for creating more accessible and sustainable transport using street experiments. The project results will further be embedded in municipal projects in street transformations.
You will soon be able to read more about the project and our results on this website. You can already find more information about our activities in Klagenfurt. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions!
Project Information
- Evidence and Acceptance – from Experiments to Transformation (ACCTRA)
Duration of the project:
- 2023-2025
Project Partners in Austria:
Project Partners in Turkey:
Project Partners in Sweden:
Project Funding:
- Call: Era-Net Cofund Urban Accessibility and Connectivity (ENUAC) – JPI Urban Europe
- Funding institutions in Austria: BMK, FFG
- Funding institutions in Turkey: Tübitak
- Funding institutions in Sweden: Vinnova, Formas, SWEA
- Gunnar Grandel, TU Wien